Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to Generate Excel file using PHP

I assume that everyone have the basic knowledge of HTML and PHP

There are many methods to generate Excel files using PHP. I am jotting down two  methods:

1. Simple header method

On the top of the page where you are writing the code to generate the excel file, put the following code


header ("Content-type: application/");
header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"filename.xls" );

Apply CSS styles to your table so that it will automatically reflect in your excel sheet.

2. Using PHPExcel 

The best solution to generate custom excel reports. You are able to add worksheets, images etc. You can rename the sheets. Output your spreadsheet object to different file formats like CSV, PDF etc.

Initially you may find it complex. But please don't stop. Work it out. Later it  will really help you. To know more on PHPExcel and for downloading the package click here.

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